SBFS Rich in Vitamin C Campaign
In view of Co-vid 19 situation, health has increasingly been a concern for consumers in Singapore, where they look towards a heathier living. Starting from May, Suntory Beverage and Food Singapore launched a Vitamin C Buddy Campaign, marrying both Ribena and C.C Lemon range to promote the rich in Vitamin C credentials to consumers. Dubbed “Vitamin C buddies! A boost to your day!”, this campaign aims to raise awareness for our brands as the go to Vitamin C beverage choice.
Riding on the work from home and circuit breaker measures implemented, Suntory Beverage and Food Singapore also rolled out a series of varied Ribena recipes, spanning across food, dessert and trending drinks and pastries where consumers can ignite their creativity to whip up different types of Ribena dishes while cooped at home. In May, Ribena also collaborated with SGAG, a famous social media content creator to come out with light hearted relatable work from home characters to remind consumers of Ribena as their stay home Vitamin C companion.
Through the above initiatives, Suntory Beverage and Food Singapore hopes to support and enrich the lives of people through these challenging times by being their Vitamin C buddy companion.